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HOME - an amazingly beautiful wake up wall to what our planet is facing

HOME - an amazingly beautiful wake up wall to what our planet is facing

Monday, December 1, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Today was beautifully sunny, so I took the opportunity to snap some shots of our cozy apartment. The only thing missing is plants, and that's soon to be remedied.
Here we have a floor plan. I love drawing those! Maybe I was a cartographer in a past life...

Walking in you see the living room and if you're lucky, a handsome guy to say hello to! Kitchenette on the left.

From the couch, the flat-screen TV (came with the place), bathroom door and me in the foyer.

Front half of the bedroom - windows face busy Roosevelt St.

Back half of the bedroom - bed, closet. All the furniture was included in the rent.

From the bedroom looking into living room/kitchen - I'm reflected in the mirrored sliding door. Note carpet in bedroom the and tiles for the rest of the floor. Stylish and we get to have it all!

View onto the street below... yep, that's a concrete mixer going by... sometimes it's a bit noisy, but the main culprits are the scooters!

Could you keep that vroooom-vroooom to yourself? ; ) I guess not.

Downstairs in the alley: Rich and Winnie-the-Pooh coffee mug enjoying the sunshine.

** I hope all the explanations are lined up with all the pictures... I spent awhile getting it to look right on our screen and then realized... it may not be universal due to monitor settings, etc... Let me know if it doesn't work too well, I'll figure something out. **


Unknown said...

You two look so happy! Yay!
We miss you very much here in VanGroovy but your adventures are amazing. LOVE LOVE LOVE

Bliss, Seamus & Uisce

Maja said...

Привет, Настя.
Пытаюсь оставить комментарии к увиденному. Делаю это впервые, надеюсь, что получится.
С удовольствием посмотрела все фотки. Всегда мечтала путешествовать вот так - сам выбираешь маршрут, сам решаешь куда и когда ехать. Однажды нам с Игорем так удалось - 5 лет назад мы ездили в Мальборк, Гданьск, Варшаву.
Владислав Алексеевич просил меня распечатать немного твоих фоток для них. Выбирала те, где есть ты - они любят, когда не только пейзаж, а и знакомые лица есть.
Желаю успехов. Пиши нам иногда на или

Unknown said...

Hey guys, sounds like it's all going great guns over in Taiwan. I'm glad the dream is still being chased by someone :)
love Dan