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HOME - an amazingly beautiful wake up wall to what our planet is facing

HOME - an amazingly beautiful wake up wall to what our planet is facing

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I really enjoy studying languages, so even though it's a tough one, it's definitely fun slowly cracking the code of Chinese speak. Recently I've also been meeting some Russian folk and had a nice chat over lunch with two girlies yesterday, quite proud of myself for communicating well enough to joke around. When I got home, I slipped back into English with my roommate and house guest, before writing an email (mostly) in Chinese to meet my Taiwanese buddy for a Language Exchange next week.  I can't call it a seamless transition yet, but I'm definitely on my way to being a trilingual!

Мне очень нравится учить иностранные языки, по этому хотя он и трудный, очень интересно постепенно расскрывать "код" китайского языка.  В последнее время, я также знакомлюсь с русскими и вчера приятно поболтала за обедом с двумя девушками, гордясь что я даже могла шутить. Прибыв домой, вернулась к английскому с моими друзьями по квартире, перед тем как написала письмо (в основном) на китайском тайванской подруге, с которой встречаюсь на "язычный обмен".  Ещё конечно не как настоящий переводчик, но по–тихоньку приближаюсь к цели.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

YES! Fabulous News about Algonquin

from a November 3, 2009 News Release

Today the province of Ontario announced an increase of protected area inside Algonquin Provincial Park from 22% to 35%!  The total area off limits to logging is now 371,238 hectares - equal to six times the size of Toronto.

Of the 631 protected areas in Ontario, Algonquin is the only one open to industrial logging operations.  Conservation groups like CPAWS (Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society) hope to phase out the logging entirely with future legislation.

Algonquin is is the very first provincial park in Canada, established in 1893. Glaciers retreating from the last ice age left a legacy of over 2,400 lakes and 1,200 kilometres of streams and rivers within its current borders.

It straddles northern coniferous and southern deciduous forests, sheltering a huge variety of plants and animals in its green beautiful arms. Some of the more fun names of species in fish: Shortjaw Cisco, Slimy Sculpin, Ninespine Stickleback, Burbot... birds: Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker, Indigo Bunting, Whip-poor-will, Chimney Swift, Eastern Wood Pewee, Veery, Hooden Merganser... reptiles and amphibians: Painted Turtle, Mudpuppy, Milk Snake, Spring Peeper... and among the majestic American Black Bear, Eastern Wolf and simply-named Moose, other mammals include Southern Bog Lemming, Gapper's Red-backed Vole, Star-Nosed Mole and Little Brown Bat. I bet you also didn't know that weighing in for trees, maples came in Striped, Silver, Red, Sugar AND Mountain varieties.

Among recognition for pioneering park management and visitor programs, Algonquin has inspired many artists, through their work reaching imaginations throughout Canada and the world. It is also an important centre for wildlife research.

Wikipedia has a selection of maps showing Algonquin through the years, from its inception to recent cartographic details.

"CPAWS is Canada's voice for wilderness. We're working to keep at least half of Canada’s public land and water wild — forever."