What's more, the city and county was literally plastered with flags and posters. Here is an example:
My friend's colleague, having freshly arrived from UK for business, apparently nearly got into an accident crossing the road because in his own words: "I couldn't see anything because of all the flags!"
Finally, there really was a bit of an unexpected incident when the night before the elections someone shot at a politician and killed a bystander. Given that it was the son of a former vice-president who apparently faked his own death in a previous publicity stunt, I'm not sure what to think...
Anyway, it's all behind us now. The flags are gone. There are still cheerful photos -- of candidates -- gracing buses, but the loudspeaker trucks are back down in frequency to the couple of self-enterprising repairmen and possibly a collection scheme for paper. Anyway, I've gotten used to the one truck's nice little jingle and the other one's fairly-annoyed-sounding recording soliciting for ... whatever it is he's soliciting for. I still haven't deciphered much of it besides: "Do you or do you not have/need...?"
Oh, I remember those trucks. Just as I was drifting off after a sleepless night in my hotel... Dang jetlag!
Those flags look festive at first glance, but I can see how they'd be a safety hazard, so it's probably a good thing they are gone.
Keep up the reporting!
Will do! Bet you're missing the 100% humidity and 38C heat now!
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