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HOME - an amazingly beautiful wake up wall to what our planet is facing

HOME - an amazingly beautiful wake up wall to what our planet is facing

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Chinese Language and Culture Year 3 - Ready, Set, Go!

Just for anyone interested, I've finalized my course selection for this new semester.  I got lucky and was allowed into two courses that had already filled up during the normal registration periods. So I'm pretty happy with my schedule, as it's at least 50% my own choice of subjects.

It's turned out nicely weighing in heavily on the art side of things:

Dance Appreciation class as my Arts compulsory general credit
Taiwan History through Film as my History compulsory general credit
Watercolor Painting as an non-categorized general credit
Ballroom Dancing as my (required) Gym class

(General courses are 18 compulsory credits, one from each of Art, History, Math, Society, Philosophy and Science categories plus 3 from the non-categorized pool. Every student at my university needs these to graduate.)

and in my department year 3 is focusing on Applied Language Skills, hence

Chinese Medicine 
Business Chinese and
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

We also have continuing, required language courses -
Reading and Writing (5) and  
Literary Chinese. Ooh, classics, here we come! 

All in all, things seem off to a good start. I'm excited about most of the teachers and their ability to truly impart some practical knowledge. Learning is the great pursuit of some higher purpose, methinks. Here's my week in review: