Studying's definitely been much more of a challenge this year, which I generally chalk up to a positive experience of forcing me to get over procrastinating and generally being a bit lazy about things. It can be a little bit hectic at times... most of the time... as with even the minimum course load of 16 credits plus compulsory gym class (that's 18 total classroom hours per week) I've got to stay on my toes, or rather stay up late, to get all my assignments done. Witness my midterm experience a few weeks back:
Written exams:
1. Modern Chinese Grammar
2. Reading & Writing
3. Classical Chinese
4. Listening
5. Translation
Oral Presentations:1. Speaking Ability: talk about a picture of someone's back (related to our Reading textbook). This is one I snapped on a rainy day at the seaside north of the city center

2. Chinese Brush Painting: discuss the importance and technical execution of this Tang dynasty painting
: 虢國夫人遊春圖
3. Classical Chinese: the ideology of Mencius and "The Four Books" of Confucianism

Special Project:1. Classical Chinese: film
a short video expressing the meaning of one of Confucius' famous statements. This was really fun. Our phrase was
子曰:「不患人之不己知,患不知人也。」which means "Don't worry if others know your worth/greatness/high position, worry about understanding/helping others."
And there you have it folks, a lesson from the morality-laden traditional Chinese society.
: )
If it's not too late, I'd like a puppy for Christmas please

thank you