1) Found out that my program is moving to the main campus!!! What this means is that starting September of this year I will no longer be a 45 minute shuttle bus ride away from classes! I can sleep in more and if I happen to be a few minutes late, I won't be forced into expensive cab rides or hours-long public transport to get to class. Whoohoo!!!
2) Some of my classmates and I recently put together a little play... please enjoy it here (English translation provided)
3) Midterms came and went and I managed to score a 95% average, which is pretty darn good. Amazing what last-minute cramming can do... hehehe... Still, I guess I'm really learning something! ; ) 最好時期中考都考完了,可先翻鬆點! (<= A little less pressure for awhile!)
4) Swimming class is still highly enjoyable, I'm perfecting my
5) Just under 2 months left until I finish my first year of uni. Two days later I fly to Seoul for a few days stopover before a 3-week vacation back with the fam in Canada. Aaah, relaxing times here I come. Also, eating times. Much eating of all the things I miss will be had.
This is all for now.